Beat the Heat!!
What is the most important ingredient of human body!! Scientist says ..70 % of our body fluid is Water ….
Water the…..Most sought things in Summer!!
Many of us use water thoughtlessly and think it is as abundant as the air we breathe and a free swig is available almost anywhere. But my dear friends …. fresh, potable water is already a precious commodity in many drier parts of the world, and as it grows rarer—and thus, dearer—in developed countries, the true value of H2O is beginning to seep in.
Think can we ensure uninterrupted access and preserve this precious commodity to our future generation????
In 2008 it was found that only 88% of population has access to improved waster supply and only 31% has improved sanitation in urban cities India. This is worse even in Ural parts of India.
None of the Indian cities with more than million population has continous supply of water.. Chandigarh is the only city which has 12 hrs of supply Rajkot has 0.3 hrs… and we have few hrs of water supply in Delhi… thank to Delhi Jal Board??
Until water shortages impact more of us directly it is likely that this liquid resource will continue to be poorly managed. Whether it's the inefficient flooding of farm fields or hosing down our cars every weekend, people find many ways to waste water….
The recent story of a found in US , a person named, Chris G. Carlos consumed 440,000 gallons (1.67 million liters) in September 2007 alone.
We would definitely have many such cases in India..if we start measuring this commodity …
Here I will tell you the three most innocent ways of water wastage-
Doing the Dishes:
A lot depends on your dishwashing style: As per the study , in a typical session that includes turning the water on and off will go through about 20 gallons (75 liters) or so in month. But if you leave the water running while scraping at those last grisly bits on your fine china, you may use more than twice that amount. Modern electric dishwashers, in contrast, need less than 10 gallons (38 liters) per average load, says a survey by the American Water Works Association.
Next time when you dishwash …think …how can you contribute save this precious commodity for your future generation…
2. Washing the Car
Wear that bathing suit at the pool or the beach, but not for posing in the driveway while sluicing the suds off your auto with hose water. According to Kaady Car Washes, a west coast chain, a home car wash can go through 80 to 140 gallons (300 to 530 liters) of water, whereas a wash at one of its garages will take about 30 to 45 gallons (115 to 170 liters). In many developed countries in the world like is the mandate to channelise the waste water to treatment plants to avoid polluting the environment; contaminated water from your home car cleansing just flows into street drains or leaches into the soil.
Next time think..when you pull the hose to wash your car at home…
The most innocent, ignorant and egregious ways, by which we squander this precious commodity …. for those sitting here who love taking beer…
Are you a person who face hangover in the morning after the hard last night…..
As refreshing and cooling as that beer may taste, it is likely to leave you less hydrated than you were before you started. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases the frequency of urination (but you knew that already). Alcohol suppresses an antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin that tells our kidneys to reabsorb and conserve water. The more you drink beer, the more the hormone level falls, and thus the more water you lose. Severe dehydration is a big reason why after a hard night out, you end up with a hangover the next day.
So while taking the sip of beer next time … think …are you the one who hangover s a lot…
So we can save this… for our future generation…. If we take little extra care .from next time onward.. and save enough water for our next generation to say.. Let’s beat the heat….
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